VenueConference venue: Hôtel Dupanloup Address: Rue Dupanloup, 45000 Orléans
The Hôtel Dupanloup The conference venue – Hôtel Dupanloup – is situated in the heart of Orléans, close to the catheral, and is a recognised Historic Monument. Dating from 1635, it is named for Félix Dupanloup, bishop of Orléans between 1849 and 1878, key figure in the canonisation of Joan of Arc, and ecclesiastical scholar. Formerly the bishop's palace (until 1905), the building is today a university centre, creating a space for exchange between researchers and students. It is an architectural gem with a vibrant merge of original interiors and contemporary furniture.
A bit of history about the city Orléans is a beautiful, historical city located only one hour south of Paris. It dates to Roman times – under the name Cenabum – as a major Carnute Gallic settlement conquered by Julius Caesar in 52 B.C., and was rebuilt as the Roman civitas Aurelianorum, which endured and evolved into the eventual Orléans. Through the Dark Ages and the High Middle Ages, the city was a key location in the histories of the Western Roman, Hunnic, Frankish, Vandal and Plantagenet civilisation due to its strategic position at the northernmost reach of the Loire river. Some of the architecture of the city dates from this time. The city is today best known for its association with Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc), whose liberation of Orléans after siege by the Plantagenets in 1429 is widely regarded as a turning point in the Hundred Years' War. A festival paying homage to this event is held annually in Orléans, and the legacy of Joan of Arc is very much evident through the image and disposition of the city. A particularly evocative representation of this period of history is shown in a series of stained glass windows in the cathedral. The recent history of the city was marked by its occupation by the German army and damage by American Air Force bombing during the Second World War. Nonetheless, it was rebuilt in faithful reflection of its traditional architecture in the years following. Situated on the Loire river, the historical city of Orléans is a charming locale to enjoy several days of science and socialising in the warm September weather. We look forward to welcoming you to Orléans for EANA 2019!